Success Attitude Profile Survey

General Instructions

The following questions are about your opinions, attitudes, likes and dislikes. The directions for answering are given separately for each part.

READ THEM CAREFULLY. Each question is to be answered by clicking on a number, a letter or a word to the right of the question.

Make sure that you understand how to do this by studying carefully the example which is given before each section.

There is no time limit, but you should answer the questions as quickly as possible, because first impressions are often better than studied responses. The numbers, or words, or letters will always appear on the right-hand side of the page. Please indicate the particular opinion nearest to your own by clicking the number, word, or letter. The important thing is to understand clearly the instructions which are found before each section.

When you click the "submit" button at the end of this survey, the survey checks that you have noted a choice for every single question - if you have left one or more blank, you will be prompted to complete the survey.

To navigate the survey, please use the links at the top of the page

Part One Questions

1-1. In the course of a week, which of the following things gives you the greatest satisfaction?

Receiving approval for having done good work

Helping people who are in difficulty; doing things for others

Being with your family and intimate friends

Having leisure time to do with as you please

1-2. Which of the following organisations would you prefer to belong to?

A political group setting out to gain control in your community

An organisation to protect its members against financial loss

A well-known club of leading people in your community

A little-known club where members informally "loaf" and enjoy themselves

1-3. At a picnic or large outdoor party which of the following things do you prefer to do?

Help direct the activities and entertainments; be one of the managers

Make people feel "at home"; talk to those neglected or "out of things"

Escape from the set activities of the crowd; do things spontaneously

Have personal intimate chats with individuals

1-4. Which of the following things do you most want the world to provide for you?

Personal liberty and freedom to express your individuality

A position where you can exercise influence over large numbers of people

Certainty that you will always have enough to live comfortably

Distinction and prestige; the admiration of your fellow man

1-5. If you inherited a small fortune, which of the following ways of using it would appeal to you most?

Contribute liberally to hospitals, orphanages, or other social welfare institutions

Save it to provide for your later years

Live in a way to gain the reputation of being a good citizen who uses his money wisely

Entertain your friends and share your pleasures with them

1-6. In taking a pleasure trip, which of the following things gives you the greatest satisfaction?

Being with congenial fellow travellers

Getting away from the restraint and routine of your everyday life

Giving pleasure to members of your family whom you take with you

Telling your friends and acquaintances, when you return home, about interesting and unusual experiences of your travels

1-7. What characteristics of a position appeal to you most?

Steady work and assurance of permanence

Opportunity, in your work, to be of direct personal service to people

Chance to control matters of importance, to have a large amount of power

Opportunity to work on your own initiative without close supervision

1-8. Which of the following considerations seem to you the most important reasons for having friends?

Friends appreciate your accomplishments and admire what you stand for

They provide companionship and intimate understanding

In time of need one can count on his friends for protection and assistance

Friends are valuable in helping you to gain influence and to run things effectively

1-9. Which of the following lecture topics appeals most strongly to you?

Uncertainties of Present Day Living: Is there a Solution?

The Secret of Personal Power: How to Handle People

Creating Friendships: Why People Like and Dislike Us

The Social Service Opportunity: What Each of Us Can Do

1-10. If you could begin your education again, what would you most want to get from your school years?

Friendships and qualities that attract friends

Independence of judgement and willingness to act according to your own standards

Self-confidence and ability to command men

Some definite, settled beliefs and freedom from doubts; faith in something

1-11. What are your chief reasons for wishing to have an attractive well-arranged home?

It brings you prestige and standing; people think more highly of you

It provides an agreeable place for being at ease with your friends

It enables you to let others enjoy the comforts of your home; you can show kindness and hospitality to people

It gives you a feeling of stability, permanence and security

1-12. Which of the following persons would you most like to be?

A "free spirit" who goes his own way, accepting no external authority

A person widely known in the community and considered highly successful

A person who devotes their life to improving the conditions and opportunities of the poor

A person who rules the business and political affairs of their community

Part Two Questions

Below is a list containing six descriptions of personality traits. Read this list of six descriptions carefully. Then decide which one of these descriptions fits you the best. Click the button or number 1 opposite that description. Then decide which of the descriptions fits you the next best, and click the button or number 2 at the right of that description. Continue ranking the choices until you have selected one of the 1's, one of the 2's, one of the 3's and so forth.

Do not indicate any number from 1 to 6 more than once.

You will notice that the only difference between this part and part 1, is that it is now necessary to rank six choices instead of four.

Part 2 Section 1

Industrious, energetic, persevering. This means you work steadily and earnestly; finish tasks once begun in spite of difficulties or discouragement

Sociable, cordial, genial. This means you like to be with people; enjoy parties or gatherings; have many acquaintances

Analytical, critical, intellectual. This means you are inclined to study and observe, quick to notice weaknesses and faults; like to get at the how and why of things

Ambitious, eager to get ahead. This means you have a strong desire to achieve, to gain wealth or recognition, to surpass others

Tactful, diplomatic. This means you say and do the right thing; do not rub people the wrong way; are able to deal with others without giving offense

Enthusiastic, eager, spirited. This means you feel intensely; have lively interest in people and events

Part 2 Section 2

Self-reliant, independent, confident. This means you trust your own powers or judgement without the guidance or control of others

Considerate, sympathetic, kindly. This means you are thoughtful of the feelings of others; quick to give help

Careful, prudent, cautious. This means you are not hasty or impulsive; do not act without considering possibilities of mistake or danger

Industrious, energetic, persevering. This means you work steadily and earnestly; finish tasks once begun in spite of difficulties or discouragement

Sociable, cordial, genial. This means you like to be with people; enjoy parties or gatherings; have many acquaintances

Analytical, critical, intellectual. This means you are inclined to study and observe; quick to notice weaknesses and faults; like to get at the how and why of things

Part 2 Section 3

Ambitious, eager to get ahead. This means you have a strong desire to achieve, to gain wealth or recognition, to surpass others

Tactful, diplomatic. This means you say and do the right thing; do not rub people the wrong way; are able to deal with others without giving offense

Enthusiastic, eager, spirited. This means you feel intensely; have lively interest in people and events

Self-reliant, independent, confident. This means you trust your own powers or judgement without the guidance or control of others

Considerate, sympathetic, kindly. This means you are thoughtful of the feelings of others; quick to give help

Careful, prudent, cautious. This means you are not hasty or impulsive; do not act without considering possibilities of mistake or danger

Part Three Questions

Part Three Sample Question
People should be encouraged to vote at election time:

The person answering the sample question above selected "certainly true" as the answer which best fits his or her opinion about this statement. In expressing your opinion about the statements listed below, click the CT if you believe the statement to be certainly true. If you believe it is certainly false, click the CF. Or, if you want some other opinion about this statement, click that abbreviation which best describes your opinion.

Do this for each of the following statements, indicating your own opinion. Remember to answer all of the questions by clicking the abbreviation which best describes your opinion. You can select only one of the five choices you are given.

Part Three Questions
3-1 - In times of national emergency, all citizens should come together for strength and unity:

3-2 - We are very fortunate to be living in this country today:

3-3 - Our school system could do with some reform:

3-4 - College training is inadequate preparation for business:

3-5 - All censorship of motion pictures should be abolished:

3-6 - Very violent movies should be banned at theatres and on TV:

3-7 - The taxation level in this country is too high:

3-8 - What the average home needs is insistence on the old standard of morality:

3-9 - People living in this country should be encouraged to regularly visit overseas countries to maintain a better knowledge of what is going on in the world:

3-10 - Overseas trade should be encouraged by our government:

3-11 - The things that labour unions want the Government to do are usually good for the country as a whole:

3-12 - Bible study should be required in the public schools:

3-13 - Newspapers are a reactionary influence on modern society:

3-14 - The Government should provide free medical services for all:

3-15 - Divorces should be granted more freely than at present:

3-16 - School teachers should not be allowed to express their own radical views in the classroom:

3-17 - This country should abolish the free enterprise system:

3-18 - School leavers should be given better career guidance:

3-19 - Businessmen and people of wealth should have more influence than they now have in running the affairs of the country:

3-20 - It is wrong for some people to have great wealth while others have barely enough to live:

3-21 - It would be a good thing to break up big industrial concerns and combinations wherever those prevent genuine competition:

3-22 - here are too many changes being made to our basic laws:

3-23 - High profile companies in this country are noted for their effective staff training programmes:

3-24 - Our country should maintain an active armed force to protect our nation:

3-25 - People entering small business should be encouraged to further their business education:

Part Four

Part Four Questions
4-1 - Do you ever work for long periods on puzzles, tricks or problems?

4-2 - Do friends sometimes come to you for advice about how to deal with people or how to meet social situations?

4-3 - Does it annoy you to have someone watch you at work?

4-4 - Do you enjoy telling jokes and stories?

4-5 - Do you make decisions quickly?

4-6 - Do you like to make minor repairs or adjustments on an automobile or radio?

4-7 - Have you ever exaggerated your abilities or position?

4-8 - Do you enjoy pushing forward a number of activities at the same time?

4-9 - Do you have an especially good memory for faces?

4-10 - Do you feel that you have had as much opportunity to enjoy life as you should have?

4-11 - In a small social gathering, do you usually guide the conversation?

4-12 - Do you like to interact with children?

4-13 - Have you ever lost out in an undertaking by not making up your mind quickly enough?

4-14 - Do you like to do little mechanical or carpentry jobs about the house in your spare time?

4-15 - Do you often feel that you want to have things more settled and safe in your life, with nothing to worry about as you look ahead?

4-16 -Do you enjoy being in a crowd?

4-17 - Do you have ups and downs in moods without any apparent cause?

4-18 - Do you resent seeing a person you don't like "get by" with things?

4-19 - Do you respond enthusiastically to "pep" talks?

4-20 - Have you ever lost or broken anything belonging to someone else?

4-21 - Are you hesitant about giving personal advice when it is asked for?

4-22 - Do you feel energetic and "pepp" soon after getting up in the morning?

4-23 - Do you often think about your abilities and achievements compared with those of your friends and acquaintances?

4-24 - Do you like to do jobs with special care and thoroughness even when a less perfect job would be fully acceptable?

4-25 - Do you like a person to look you steadily in the eye while you are talking with them?

4-26 - Do you rather enjoy spending an evening alone?

4-27 - Do you like to spend a large part of your leisure time in active physical exercise?

4-28 - When you are going to buy something for a few dollars, do you make careful inquiries and comparisons before purchasing?

4-29 - Have you ever been afraid of losing a job because your work went badly?

4-30 - Do you like a great deal of variety in your recreations?

4-31 - In a social gathering do you often take the initiative to liven up the party when it becomes dull?

4-32 - Do you usually speak your mind in a business interview?

4-33 - Are you ever late for an appointment?

4-34 - Do you frequently go at your work with a strong emotional drive?

4-35 - Do you like to think a long time before expressing your opinions?

4-36 - Do you feel that you want greater personal freedom than you have - more opportunity to live your life as you please, without feeling forced to set this way or that?

4-37 - Do you often point out people's faults to them?

4-38 - Do you try to get more than eight hours sleep a night whenever you can?

4-39 - Are you careful not to lend money to acquaintances unless you are sure of their trustworthiness?

4-40 - Do you like to be with people as much as you possibly can?

4-41 - Do you ever say things you do not believe for the sake of impressing someone favourably?

4-42 - Are you genuinely glad to contribute to charities whenever you can afford it?

4-43 - Are you almost always able to smooth out difficulties or disagreements between people?

4-44 - Do you allow people to crowd ahead of you in line?

4-45 - Do you usually get opinions from others before making decisions on personal matters?

4-46 - Are you quick to accept opportunities for unusual or interesting entertainment, even when you are feeling very tired?

4-47 - Do you find that many people are so unreasonable that it is hard to talk to them?

4-48 - Have you often made mistakes by being overly enthusiastic?

4-49 - Do you ever make serious personal sacrifices in order to help persons who are poor, or in trouble, or who are unjustly treated?

4-50 - Do you usually state your opinions positively rather than with qualifications?

4-51 - Are you frequently bored?

4-52 - Do you feel far more vigorous in the winter than in the summer?

4-53 - After a misunderstanding with a friend, are you inclined to go practically the whole way in making matters right?

4-54 - Do you ever take the initiative in opposing a person who is handling a meeting in a "boss", high handed manner?

4-55 - Have you ever allowed yourself to overhear a private conversation?

4-56 - In the organisation you belong to, are you usually satisfied to be a member rather than one of the leaders?

4-57 - Do you like to operate machinery?

4-58 - At a sporting match, do you sometimes express your feelings by cheering, jumping, calling to the players etc?

4-59 - Are you easily discouraged?

4-60 - Does it bother you much to return or exchange articles you have purchased at a store?

4-61 - Are you usually completely tired out at the end of the day?

4-62 - Do you win friends especially easily?

4-63 - When you are planning a trip, a social affair, or a business deal, do you like to arrange all the details rather than leave them to someone else?

4-64 - Do you emphasise the larger and long run effects of undertakings rather than the immediate results?

4-65 - Do you like to have power or influence over people, so that you can tell them what to do and make them do as you wish?

4-66 - If you come late to a meeting would you rather stand than take a front seat?

4-67 - Are you inclined to look for flaws in the arguments you read or hear?

4-68 - Do you feel that your children or your friends and neighbours have as much opportunity as they should have?

4-69 - Do you sometimes stop to look at store displays of new mechanical and electrical devices?

4-70 - Do you often feel self-conscious because of your personal appearance?

4-71 - When you are caught in a mistake, do you ever offer excuses?

4-72 - Are you well satisfied with the friends you have and with your social activities?

4-73 - Do you sometimes read serious books or attend lectures?

4-74 - Do you almost always feel absolutely sure you are right in your beliefs?

4-75 - Is it sometimes hard for you to tell whether a person you have met likes or dislikes you?

4-76 - Are you often impressed with the futility of your activities?

4-77 - When you are out with two or three friends, do you usually make the decisions on where to go, and what to do?

4-78 - Do you like taking care of the details of your work?

4-79 - Do you especially want people to think highly of you, to admire you, to feel that you are a "somebodY" value="Y"?

4-80 - Do you often doubt the wisdom of your decisions after they have been made?

4-81 - Do you almost always accept peoples mistakes and petty actions good naturedly?

4-82 - Do you often act on the spur of the moment?

4-83 - Do you always, without exception, refrain from gossiping about people you know?

4-84 - Do you sometimes have a strong desire to feel more sure of yourself and to be more self confident?

4-85 - Do you like to discuss political issues with people of different views?

4-86 - Do you sometimes have feelings of uncertainty about your abilities?

4-87 - In conversation do you often use striking illustrations from your own affairs and personal experience?

4-88 - Do you day-dream frequently?

4-89 - After you have done the big and difficult parts of a job, do you dislike completing the minor points?

4-90 - In competitive games, do you have an intense determination to win?

4-91 - Are you inclined to go ahead and do things without much weighing of the pros and cons?

4-92 - Are you sometimes uncertain in whether the person you are talking to is interested in what you are saying?

4-93 - If you have only a few hours sleep, do you feel worn out or irritable the following day?

4-94 - Are you embarrassed if the clothes you wear to social occasions are not "correct"?

4-95 - Are you often excited over plans of work or possibilities for the future?

4-96 - Do you sometimes try to form estimates of people you know by carefully weighing their strong points and their weak points?

4-97 - Do you like to get quick results in your work rather than waiting for long time rewards?

4-98 - Are you interested in inventions and improvements in radio, automobile design, aeroplanes, etc?

4-99 - Do you like people who always remain cool and calm and are never enthusiastic?

4-100 - Do you have an especially good memory for names?