Receiving approval for having done good work
Helping people who are in difficulty; doing things for others
Being with your family and intimate friends
Having leisure time to do with as you please
A political group setting out to gain control in your community
An organisation to protect its members against financial loss
A well-known club of leading people in your community
A little-known club where members informally "loaf" and enjoy themselves
Help direct the activities and entertainments; be one of the managers
Make people feel "at home"; talk to those neglected or "out of things"
Escape from the set activities of the crowd; do things spontaneously
Have personal intimate chats with individuals
Personal liberty and freedom to express your individuality
A position where you can exercise influence over large numbers of people
Certainty that you will always have enough to live comfortably
Distinction and prestige; the admiration of your fellow man
Contribute liberally to hospitals, orphanages, or other social welfare institutions
Save it to provide for your later years
Live in a way to gain the reputation of being a good citizen who uses his money wisely
Entertain your friends and share your pleasures with them
Being with congenial fellow travellers
Getting away from the restraint and routine of your everyday life
Giving pleasure to members of your family whom you take with you
Telling your friends and acquaintances, when you return home, about interesting and unusual experiences of your travels
Steady work and assurance of permanence
Opportunity, in your work, to be of direct personal service to people
Chance to control matters of importance, to have a large amount of power
Opportunity to work on your own initiative without close supervision
Friends appreciate your accomplishments and admire what you stand for
They provide companionship and intimate understanding
In time of need one can count on his friends for protection and assistance
Friends are valuable in helping you to gain influence and to run things effectively
Uncertainties of Present Day Living: Is there a Solution?
The Secret of Personal Power: How to Handle People
Creating Friendships: Why People Like and Dislike Us
The Social Service Opportunity: What Each of Us Can Do
Friendships and qualities that attract friends
Independence of judgement and willingness to act according to your own standards
Self-confidence and ability to command men
Some definite, settled beliefs and freedom from doubts; faith in something
It brings you prestige and standing; people think more highly of you
It provides an agreeable place for being at ease with your friends
It enables you to let others enjoy the comforts of your home; you can show kindness and hospitality to people
It gives you a feeling of stability, permanence and security
A "free spirit" who goes his own way, accepting no external authority
A person widely known in the community and considered highly successful
A person who devotes their life to improving the conditions and opportunities of the poor
A person who rules the business and political affairs of their community
Below is a list containing six descriptions of personality traits. Read this list of six descriptions carefully. Then decide which one of these descriptions fits you the best. Click the button or number 1 opposite that description. Then decide which of the descriptions fits you the next best, and click the button or number 2 at the right of that description. Continue ranking the choices until you have selected one of the 1's, one of the 2's, one of the 3's and so forth.
Do not indicate any number from 1 to 6 more than once.
You will notice that the only difference between this part and part 1, is that it is now necessary to rank six choices instead of four.
Industrious, energetic, persevering. This means you work steadily and earnestly; finish tasks once begun in spite of difficulties or discouragement
Sociable, cordial, genial. This means you like to be with people; enjoy parties or gatherings; have many acquaintances
Analytical, critical, intellectual. This means you are inclined to study and observe, quick to notice weaknesses and faults; like to get at the how and why of things
Ambitious, eager to get ahead. This means you have a strong desire to achieve, to gain wealth or recognition, to surpass others
Tactful, diplomatic. This means you say and do the right thing; do not rub people the wrong way; are able to deal with others without giving offense
Enthusiastic, eager, spirited. This means you feel intensely; have lively interest in people and events
Self-reliant, independent, confident. This means you trust your own powers or judgement without the guidance or control of others
Considerate, sympathetic, kindly. This means you are thoughtful of the feelings of others; quick to give help
Careful, prudent, cautious. This means you are not hasty or impulsive; do not act without considering possibilities of mistake or danger
Industrious, energetic, persevering. This means you work steadily and earnestly; finish tasks once begun in spite of difficulties or discouragement
Sociable, cordial, genial. This means you like to be with people; enjoy parties or gatherings; have many acquaintances
Analytical, critical, intellectual. This means you are inclined to study and observe; quick to notice weaknesses and faults; like to get at the how and why of things
Ambitious, eager to get ahead. This means you have a strong desire to achieve, to gain wealth or recognition, to surpass others
Tactful, diplomatic. This means you say and do the right thing; do not rub people the wrong way; are able to deal with others without giving offense
Enthusiastic, eager, spirited. This means you feel intensely; have lively interest in people and events
Self-reliant, independent, confident. This means you trust your own powers or judgement without the guidance or control of others
Considerate, sympathetic, kindly. This means you are thoughtful of the feelings of others; quick to give help
Careful, prudent, cautious. This means you are not hasty or impulsive; do not act without considering possibilities of mistake or danger
The person answering the sample question above selected "certainly true" as the answer which best fits his or her opinion about this statement. In expressing your opinion about the statements listed below, click the CT if you believe the statement to be certainly true. If you believe it is certainly false, click the CF. Or, if you want some other opinion about this statement, click that abbreviation which best describes your opinion.
Do this for each of the following statements, indicating your own opinion. Remember to answer all of the questions by clicking the abbreviation which best describes your opinion. You can select only one of the five choices you are given.