How good is your business at Health and Safety?

Understanding how your business follows Health and Safety procedures and how they stack up with proven effective processes, will help you with reduced accident rates and better productivity, as well as OSH and ACC requirements in your business.

The following questions are a measure of your Health and Safety procedures within your company. If you complete this evaluation, you will receive a free report from a Smart-Train Professional outlining your Health and Safety rating - along with suggestions (if appropriate) as to how you can improve.

General Instructions

Answer each question as you know you are, not as you would like to be.

In the questions below, read all four actions and decide which one you do first in most sales situations and slide the selector to the right side of the slider

Next, decide which of these actions is next most like you and move the selector to the next furtherest right selector

Continue to do this until you have completed all the sliders.

Before you click the "send my Profile to Smart-Train" button at the end, please check that you have noted a choice for every single question in the profile.

Remember, you must select a 1, 2, 3, or 4, and you must not have 2 numbers the same in each question, for example 2 answers with number with 4 etc.

Start Here:

1. What is the ACC Tertiary Level Criteria

Basic paperwork

Some active measures

Total incorporation into work methods and systems, proactively

Demonstrating continuous improvement

2. How often do you have Health and Safety issues




Don't Know

3. Who is responsible for Health and Safety in your business?

Managing Director


Human Resources Manager


4. How often do you use proactive health and safety measures?





5. Are lost time injuries and severity rating the only measures you use for health and safety?


We also use medical cases

We also use medical cases and number of safety meetings

We use lost time injuries, severity, medical cases, the number of safety meetings, and the number of near miss reports

6. How do you measure Continuous Improvement input from staff to make health & safety effective?

Number of near miss

Number of health and safety targets hit

Number of reported changes

Ratio of near miss to loss time injuries

7. How do you measure the effectiveness of health and safety meetings?

Number of people that attend

Number of contributors

Number of near miss reports

Participation from all attendees

8. How do you record and deliver health and safety suggestions in your business?

Never miss reports


Don't need them

Recorded in ideas box, implemented, and rewarded.

9. How do you set health and safety standards?

Put up poster

The legal minimum

Use of industry best practice

Lead by example - no compromise

10. What is the level of personal accountability from all staff for health and safety standards?

Minimal - no real time measurement

Some mention in contract

Mentioned in yearly review

Bonus and continual monitoring

11. How engaged are your staff in health and safety initiatives?

They do what they need to, most of the time

They struggle to get new ideas

It's part of their contracts

Real appreciation shown to new ideas

12. How important is health and safety in your business?

It's a compliance cost to our business

Works ok

Part of a system

Up there, with all other business functions

13. Should all health and safety incidents be

Notify to ACC




14. How often do you conduct a health and safety audit?

Every week

Every Fortnight

